Page name: Artistic Enquiries - Requests to be Taken [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-10-18 11:28:52
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Back to Artistic Enquiries

This is where Requests are to be posted by Non-Artists and Artists alike. The page is freely editable, but you are kindly asked not to alter the instructions. Thank you.

Requester Instructions: Making a Request is simple business.

Post your Request below the instructions. That's it. Do think about making it detailed, for we artists thrive on details. Make it as clear as possible, so the Artist seeking to fulfill your request can quickly get a clear idea of what it is you want. Avoid making long paragraphs - if your Request is difficult to comprehend, I will tuck in and make it clearer.

Again, do keep in mind that Artists are living beings who have a life outside of the Big Bad Web. Requests will remain up until they are Taken and Fulfilled, or until they are taken down by their Requester.

Artist Instructions: Taking a Request is also simple business.

Just pick the Request that strikes your fancy, and add the text '<b>Taken by [YourNameHere]</b>' above the Request, so it is easy and fast to see which Requests have been taken. I also do request that, if possible, you add an approximative finishing time. Let's say, if you think you'll finish within the week, add '<b>Approximative Worktime:</b> 1 week.'. It gives the Requester an idea of when it'll get done, and perhaps avoid you recurrent 'is it done yet ?' or 'How far are you with it ?' questionings. Don't sweat it if you don't add a Worktime, though.

When you're done, simply add the mention '<b>Request Fulfilled</b>' beneath the other mentions, and either upload it to Artistic Enquiries - Fulfilled Requests, or provide [Nocturnaliss] with the Request and I'll do the necessary. At that time, I will send a message to the Requester so they are aware their Request has been Fulfilled, in case you haven't done so yourself already.

However, should you find yourself to be unable to Fulfill the Request you took, don't sweat it! We all understand that, sometimes, life just happens. Please just notify me, so I can keep track of what's going on with the Request list easily.

Don't forget to keep things respectful and courteous, so this wiki is enjoyable for all.


[Mortified Penguin] - How about a banner or other form of advertisement for Maze of Guile?

[iippo] - A bald woman operating some kind of machine (the more cogs and other bits of iron and steel the machine has, the better :D) Can be steampunkey or sci-fi or anything :3 She can even be a part of the machine, that'd be cool too! :D

[Angel In Red]- My character called Sapphire.

Character Description: Large almond shaped dark blue eyes, pale skin, full lips, high cheekbones with waist length black hair. Sapphire stands at 5ft 7 with a slim figure.

In colour, if you would be please. If you require more information then please Private Message me. Many thanks. <3

[Rising Death Dragon] - A mother dragon protecting a hatchling from a swordsman outside of a cave. I want the mother dragon to be a dark red in color, hatchling would be in black. No chinese or japanese type dragon please. The swordsman do as you wish. Inside the cave make something like jewels and all that sort of stuff.

[Tekkon KinKreet]- My Charrie, Elson Rodston from the accidents rp

[The Last Dragoon]- My Character Deadeye, A panther anthro for his physical appearance head to Deadeye and if you need more info just message me.
P.S. I love seeing differant artists versions of Deadeye, so multiple Artists can take this request .

[Lite] - My character Shadowstalker. For the basics, she is a drow assassin/rogue. Further information is available in the wiki Shadowstalker and if you PM me. All efforts appreciated.

[RaydensFyre] - I have a simple request...I would like to see a portrait or portraits of me mixed in with old or ancient religions and mythology...see my house for photo facial or other references. Thanks!

[your exotic nightmare] - Could you do a incorporation of the four Twilight saga Covers and a picture of me?? Go to Photography or Camera Whorism?? for references.

Request Fulfilled
[Fireblade K'Chona]- I have two images that have hung around and bugged me for quite some time. First: a brilliantly blue butterfly, trapped in ice. I've toyed with poems about it but I really want to see it.

[Fireblade K'Chona]- And the second one: a woman standing on a sand dune, head covered and face veiled, burnoose whipping out behind her. The burnoose is the exact color of the sand and as it blows out behind her, it turns into sand blowing in the wind. In my head she's looking left, possibly shading her eyes from the sun, and it's only barely possible to tell the person's a woman from the shape of her body.

[MyAlterEgo]- I would really like to see my wiki character drawn. She's a Kitsune of medium height,and she has light colored skin,long red hair, and dark green eyes. She likes to dress in anything gothic, ranging from slutty to innocent. Let me know if you need anything more about her.

[Jace Beleren]My request has a nature.It will feature my character Weiss who you can see on my house but in adult situations.Any interested artists should pm me for the details since i donĀ“t think it would be propper to post them here

Username (or number or email):


2008-07-23 [Nocturnaliss]: Gosh, that's really a cool piece of art. Can't wait to see it finished!

2008-07-23 [Angel In Red]: *appluads*

2008-07-23 [Tekkon KinKreet]: very nice

2008-07-24 [Azuri]: Hmm thinking of taking one of these, I'll have to look at it more when I get home from work ^_^

2008-07-24 [Nocturnaliss]: They will still be here when you do :)

2008-07-24 [Nocturnaliss]: Hey [Rising Death Dragon], I've been eyeing your Request for some time now, but I only today realized something didn't make sense to me: if you want the Dragons and the swordsman outside of the cave, how is the inside of the cave fitting into the picture ? Just wondering, really XD; I love Dragons, and I like the sound of your Request... but the cave confuses me.

2008-07-24 [Lite]: Sapphire Progress
Looks bad now... But just you wait! XD

2008-07-25 [Nocturnaliss]: Hey, that's looking good already :P she's lovely.

2008-07-25 [The Last Dragoon]: Deadeye's a male panther

2008-07-25 [iippo]: Nocturnaliss was probably talking about Lite's drawing of Sapphire. ^^

2008-07-25 [The Last Dragoon]: you may have a point, my bad

2008-07-27 [Nocturnaliss]: Yes, I was XD that's okay, mix-ups happen.

2008-07-31 [Anvikit]: Mines getting there.. but I won't be able to get a good picture of it up for another 2 and a half weeks.. my computer is running vista.. and my scanner isn't compatible with it.. My husband said he was going to get it to work but hasn't yet.. and he just left today for a 2 and half week long army training thing.. and it figures.. it works on his computer but he took that with him :P

2008-07-31 [Nocturnaliss]: Oh, Vista e.e how I despise thee. That's quite okay, Anvikit. Falls under the 'life getting in the way can't help it' category XD

2008-07-31 [iippo]: Yeah, we will wait, Anvikit :)

2008-07-31 [windowframe]: *waits* Are we nearly theeeeere yet?

2008-08-10 [Azuri]: Of course we aren't!

[Lite] I've almost got the body done for your request, sorry its slow going, work and all that.

2008-08-10 [Azuri]: [Lite] there is a WIP of your picture on my profile now so go have a look :D

2008-08-10 [Hendercrazy]: The finished pencils of Deadeye will be up tonight. Coloring will still take some time per my current wacky sheduling/workload. But will be digital since I've found a solution for my scanner issue. :)

2008-08-11 [The Last Dragoon]: cool thanks ^>^

2008-08-11 [Hendercrazy]: Alrighty... here's the finished pencil... <img:stuff/DeadeyeFinPencilSm.jpg>

I'll be sure to get you a true scan version once I get the digital coloring complete. :)

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